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IEP Help in South Bay and Beyond

Finding IEP Help

COVID-19 has changed many things, including the way students with special needs learn. Though these changes may be difficult for a while, the following three tips can lighten the load.


1. Stick To A Routine - Routines help to create a sense of calm and security for children with special needs. Adapting to distance learning can be challenging, but by creating and sticking to a routine, you can decrease the level of stress your child experiences. As a bonus, a routine can help your entire household. When everyone is accustomed to doing things at a certain time, the day tends to run a little smoother. Therefore, following a routine creates calm in the learning environment and the living environment.


2. Get IEP Help - Even if the location of the classroom has changed, the IEP should still be followed. Of course, there may need to be some tweaks to approaches and services, but the foundational information and guidelines are typically the best way to help your children. IEP help is available from Advocate to Educate, we are here for you.


3. Use What's On Hand - You might feel tempted to spend a great deal of money to accommodate learning from home, but it's usually not necessary. Using items and resources that your kids are already comfortable with is very effective.


At Advocate to Educate, we want to help you provide the best possible education during distance learning or hybrid learning. Our IEP advocates in the South Bay services can provide IEP help, 504 plan, learning environment, and any unique needs your child may have. After our intake session, we can recommend any necessary changes and assist in getting the school team to implementing them. We will also consult with teachers, tutors, and anyone else directly involved with your child's education to ensure any strategy changes get carried out.


Contact us online today to learn more about IEP advocacy services in the South Bay and how our special education  consulting can help you during these difficult times.

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