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Understanding Students
With Learning Disabilities

Hearing that your child has a learning disability can be scary, but it's not always as bad as it seems. Gaining a better understanding of what it means can help combat the fear and uncertainty you might be facing.

What Are Learning Disabilities?

A learning disability is simply an issue that affects the ability to understand certain things or carry out specific tasks. Some common disabilities include:

● Dyscalculia- impacts the ability to learn math facts or understand numbers.

● Dyslexia- causes trouble in reading and processing language.

● ADHD- creates struggles with focusing, controlling behavior, and paying attention

● Dysgraphia- affects fine motor skills and handwriting.


There are many other things that can impact the ability to learn- these are just a few.


What Can I Do to Help My Child?

The first step- if you have not done so already- is to get a formal diagnosis. Doing so ensures that you are addressing the correct issues and seeking the best resources. After you have received the diagnosis, the following steps can make it easier for your whole family.


1. Learn All You Can

Spend time learning about the disability. Read blogs and library books, find support groups, check out special education schools near me- whatever you can do to gather information. The more informed you are, the more confident you will feel.

2. Never Assume

As you read all of that information, you will most certainly run across what students with disabilities "can't" do. Though you should mentally file this information away, never assume that your child cannot do something. This can severely limit them. Instead, leave all possibilities open and learn exactly what their struggles are directly from them.

3. Adapt Their Learning Environment

Do your best to adapt your child's learning environment both at home and at school. At home, this may include things like setting up a distraction-free desk in a quiet corner or having specialized study resources on hand.

Adapting their school environment can get a little more involved. You might need to work with their current school on an IEP, or you might consider searching for "special education schools near me." If you are unsure, we can help you determine which is the best path to choose.


Supporting a student with disabilities takes time and commitment, but it is worth it. At Advocate to Educate, we understand the struggles and are here to help in any way we can. Let us help you overcome the challenge and create a great learning experience for your child.

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 * Information and referrals may be provided and nothing is offered as, nor should be considered as medically diagnostic or as legal or medical advice. Referrals may be made and are for information purposes only, and no responsibility is accepted associated with the consequences that arise from commerce or dealings with an individual, professional, organization or a corporation. A referral does not imply an endorsement, and an omission does not imply a non-endorsement.
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